01 dezembro 2003
Mais uma resposta à questão do núcleo de Júpiter de Britt Scharringhausen de Cornell.

"I agree that this is a surprising suggestion! I guess that Alan
Boss is right when he says " it takes a while for people to get
used to any new idea, including scientists." :)

Even if Jupiter is made entirely of hydrogen and helium, with no
heavier elements, it is possible for its core to be compressed so
strongly by its gravity that it would be dense enough for Jupiter
to have the observed moment of inertia. Our ideas about the
internal structure of Jupiter are largely theoretical. We can
only make measurements from the outside, and then try to
calculate what things are like on the inside. In general,
though, the measureuments we can do not specify precisely what
the interior is like. There are always a range of different
interiors that could satisfy the measurements. However, the more
data we get, the more we can constrain our models, so a smaller
the range of interiors will work--allowing us to zero in on what
the true structure of the interior is like.

I'll certainly be following this debate with great interest!
Thanks for bringing it to my attention!"
posted by Jose Matos at 16:51 | Permalink |